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As a pharmaceutical chemist, Dr. Cindy quickly learned that medications were not the path to true health when she was diagnosed with an “incurable” disorder that she overcame with the use of alternative therapies.  She now helps people transform their health naturally.

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U.S. Air Force Academy graduate, physicist & Colonel, Deanna is an ovarian cancer survivor who came out of hospice when given 4 weeks to live. She’s a holistic health coach, #1 International Bestselling Author, and honored Woman of the Year 2015-16 by the National Association of Professional Women.

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Melinda Broadstone is hired by professionals and entrepreneurs who struggle with doing all the right things, and are still not being seen, heard and compensated as they envision.  Discovering underlying causes and applying Broadstone’s Access to Potential opens and harnesses their power for success.

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My clients sensed emptiness within even though their bank accounts were plentiful ! Using my Frequency Health Coaching and meditations, they skipped the “burnout” and now tap into the Applied Information Field to attain the abundance in all that their heart desires, professionally and personally !

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From a high school dropout and unwed teen mom on public assistance to a successful multi-award winning author, Jacqui is an expert at helping young adults transform their inner critic into their best friend and personal champion for success.

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Sherry Anshara is an international bestselling author and has had 5 near death experiences.  She utilizes her experience and expertise as a Medical Intuitive and Success Coach as the foundation of her groundbreaking work with Cellular Memory, which she calls the Anshara Method.


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For over 30 years, Dr. Alexandra Kleeberg has explored ancient wisdom and modern research to develop Self-Healing by Embody-Mental Imagination” (SHEMI). She teaches it to daily groups helping Clients to heal themselves from almost any illness. She is a speaker and author of 6 books.

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Rachel works with animals who are sick, injured, diseased, or have suffered from abuse whose humans are looking for a miracle.

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Julie is a Certified Life Optimization Coach and Equine Communicator.  She takes the wisdom of horses blended with tactical tools backed by science teaching Mindfulness and Divine Flow for Peak Performance in heart-centered leaders and entrepreneurs.


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Depression and a spreading breast tumor from passively using birth control as a teen led De’Nicea to learn the difference between a healthy cycle and one we accept as normal. Now, she saves uteruses and makes babies holistically as a Holistic Period & Fertility Strategist.

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Harriet Morris is The Eating Coach, host of the podcast of the same name, and creator of The Body Confident Project.

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Dot is a speaker, mentor, author and holistic intuitive.   Her passion is to teach individuals so they learn to heal themselves on all levels.  Dot is an expert in guiding students and clients through life’s challenges with grace and ease so they create a life of Balance, Love, Peace & Prosperity

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Carla Cohen is the fonder of the Women’s Health Revolution. Her mission is to help entrepreneurs who are feeling burnt out, stuck or in pain attain inner peace, joy, and abundance. Winner of the Exceptional Global Woman Award and best selling author.

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Suzanne Thibault is the host of Spiritual Straight Talk, a podcast show that inspires spiritual self-care. She is the best-selling author of Animal Wisdom Tales, co-author of Animal Legacies and sought-after speaker.

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Lea empowers entrepreneurs and professionals to live with more joy, vitality, inner peace and purpose and to create soul-satisfying success.

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Claudia Muehlenweg always hated her glasses and has made it her mission to help others see clearly naturally… just like she has done. No matter what vision challenge her clients struggle with, they leave with better eyesight.

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With wit, authenticity and wisdom, Mira employs her extensive training and life experience to empower her clients and her audience to embrace their uniqueness, own their challenges as a path to their gifts, and to inspire them to rise to their greatness by shining and sharing their unique light.

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