*Continued use of this website constitutes full agreement with the below terms and conditions.
Perfect Podcast Guest Listing & Search Terms & Conditions
Perfect Podcast Guest is owned and operated by Another 8 Hours, Inc. For the purposes of the Terms & Conditions outlined below, Perfect Podcast Guest is used interchangeably with Another 8 Hours, Inc.
- All information submitted is true and complete. (General information will be checked.) General contact information may be published, including phone, address, etc. You agree to these terms before submission, so it is your responsibility to ensure that all information submitted is what you want printed.
- Do NOT submit more than one listing. You are able to choose up to three categories, but are only entitled to ONE LISTING. Duplicate listings may cause your membership to be revoked and/or additional listing(s) removed without notice.
- All information on this website is privileged and may not be forwarded or duplicated for any purpose whatsoever without the express written permission of Perfect Podcast Guest and the guests listed herein.
- Perfect Podcast Guest is not in any way responsible for the outcome of any relationship formed as a result of submitting your information to this site. All responsibility lies with the host/show and guest. Please ensure that appropriate contracts and agreements are completed to ensure the privacy and protection of both parties. Perfect Podcast Guest in no way warrants the credibility or accuracy of statements, listing information and cannot be responsible for any loss of business or income as a result of such.
- Perfect Podcast Guest in no way guarantees a guest will be chosen by any host. It is in the best interest of each guest to submit a comprehensive COMPLETE listing with as much information as possible to provide potential hosts with enough information to make an educated decision whether to pursue a connection. It is further understood that Perfect Podcast Guest does not guarantee any results, business or income in return for any listing or advertisement posted on this site, nor does Perfect Podcast Guest warrant the continuous functionality of the site and cannot be held liable for any lapses in site functionality or visibility no matter the length of time.
- It is understood that all information submitted will be available for general public view for the purpose of receiving solicitations from potential podcast hosts. This is entirely the responsibility of the submitting guest.
- It is understood that all information submitted will be available for public view by the entire world. Perfect Podcast Guest has no control over and bears no responsibility for the manner in which this information may be utilized by others.
- Absolutely no sites with or linking to adult content will be allowed.
- It is understood that after registration as a host member or as a guest listing, I may receive occasional emails with news, announcements and promotions.
- It is understood that any violation of the above may result in removal from the directory, with any paid membership fees prorated from the date of removal.
- It is understood that Perfect Podcast Guest may refuse to post any listing for any reason whatsoever, using its own discretion to ensure the integrity and professionalism intended by creating this listing service. Perfect Podcast Guest has no obligation to explain the reasons for rejecting any listing and/or removing any listing that it deems appropriate to remove.
Perfect Podcast Guest is owned and operated by Another 8 Hours, Inc. For the purposes of the Privacy Statement outlined below, Perfect Podcast Guest is used interchangeably with Another 8 Hours, Inc.
- The information you submit to Perfect Podcast Guest is submitted with the understanding that it will be used specifically for a PUBLIC listing service. Since Perfect Podcast Guest is a PUBLIC listing service, it is agreed and understood that all information WILL BE PUBLIC, and therefore available for anyone in the world to see and possibly copy information from. It is agreed that Perfect Podcast Guest, therefore, cannot be held responsible or liable for any information obtained from that public forum or how that information is utilized by anyone else.
- When you submit a Guest Listing, you also agree to the Privacy Terms and that you will hold Perfect Podcast Guest harmless for any errors or omissions or results thereof. All listings are guest submitted, so any errors in submission are your responsibility.
- You agree that your listing information may also be used by Perfect Podcast Guest periodically for other related publications such as articles, hard copies of the listing, and public relations related to promoting Perfect Podcast Guest.
Use of Site
Perfect Podcast Guest is owned and operated by Another 8 Hours, Inc. For the purposes of the Use of Site Statement outlined below, Perfect Podcast Guest is used interchangeably with Another 8 Hours, Inc.
Your continued use of this site and any information contained herein constitutes an agreement between the site user (visitor) and Perfect Podcast Guest make no promises or certifications that the information on this site is accurate or true.
All listing information is submitted by third parties and as such, the submitting party is entirely responsible for certifying that the information submitted is both accurate and true. Perfect Podcast Guest cannot be held responsible or liable for any errors, omissions, false or inaccurate information that is posted anywhere on this website or the websites of its affiliates.
We do not vouch for any specific podcast guest, podcast host or warrant the results or quality of any relationship developed as a result of listings on this site. This site is simply a tool to assist podcast and show hosts in locating podcast guests and to provide a central listing where ALL podcast guests can register.
We do NOT screen podcast guests – that is up to you, we simply provide basic contact and business information to help you in your search. Perfect Podcast Guest cannot be held responsible or liable for any site linked to or from Perfect Podcast Guest or its contents.
When you click on any outgoing link from this site, you as the user are ENTIRELY responsible for any results that may occur from the use of that site, including, but not limited to the content of that site. Perfect Podcast Guest is a family friendly site and will never KNOWINGLY link to any inappropriate sites, including adult or pornographic websites. If you ever detect that any link goes to such a site, please notify us immediately via our contact page and it will be reviewed and removed upon verification that it’s a bad link.
*Terms are subject to change without notice. It is recommended that you return back periodically to review any changes or updates that may have occurred.