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A Stanford educated business attorney turned Intuitive, Mellissa helps creative professionals including Fortune 100 executives, Silicon Valley’s top product designers, and inspired thought leaders and entrepreneurs to discover, tap, and channel their Genius.

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Dot is a speaker, mentor, author and holistic intuitive.   Her passion is to teach individuals so they learn to heal themselves on all levels.  Dot is an expert in guiding students and clients through life’s challenges with grace and ease so they create a life of Balance, Love, Peace & Prosperity

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When a complete stranger pulled her daughter from her arms, Amanda penned an online caution read by an estimated 60 million, connecting Amanda with a victim of the very predator in the store that day…
Author, speaker, and founder of Able Moms International & Vigilant Families.
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Samir Selmanović, Ph.D. PCC helps ambitious people stop hacking life and find their own way in the world so they can thrive personally and professionally. He uses mindfulness, poetry, and in-life practices such as transformational cooking to consult, teach, coach, and facilitate retreats.

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Joy lived a life of struggle fear suffering and pain until a turning point inspired a mission to liberate 1 million people from suffering,  awaken them to the truth that they are much bigger than whatever happens to them and that we always have the potential to live joyfully every day of our lives.

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Kathleen Whalen M.S. is a trained acupuncturist, scientist, author and Vedic astrologer who’s created a simple color-coded Calendar that reveals the energy of the day – up to a year in advance. Choose only the days for making money, love or impact.
Launch with the support of the Universe.

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Bianca Diana is a Soul & Creativity Coach, Intuitive, and Energy Alignment Guide. She works with creatives, coaches and healers who are passionate about making a positive impact in the world. She helps her clients upgrade their self-worth to live a life they love– free of regrets!

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My name is Jarrod Castillo and I am a youth high-performance coach and mindset coach and I am on a mission to be the leader of the next generation of leaders. My intention is to be a hope and guiding light for aspiring youth transitioning into the next stages of life.

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As the Oracle on Purpose, Lia Dunlap, is an Intuitive Business Architect with 25 years of experience helping you bridge the gap between what you want & how to get it with her Purpose & Prosperity Programs.

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Dr Sundardas created the Million Dollar Designed Life Formula after working with more than 15,000 individuals from more than 30 countries.​ His clients include diplomats, Asian Royalty and celebrities, award-winning entrepreneurs and some of the richest Asian business families.

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Carolina’s journey from unfulfilling corporate to the brightness of Soul connection, clarity & freedom is inspiring. She supports professionals over 40, at a crossroads, to align with the Soul creating a Soul-driven life honouring their uniqueness, matching their truth, guilt free with zero regrets.

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Suzanne Thibault is the host of Spiritual Straight Talk, a podcast show that inspires spiritual self-care. She is the best-selling author of Animal Wisdom Tales, co-author of Animal Legacies and sought-after speaker.

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Melinda Broadstone is hired by professionals and entrepreneurs who struggle with doing all the right things, and are still not being seen, heard and compensated as they envision.  Discovering underlying causes and applying Broadstone’s Access to Potential opens and harnesses their power for success.

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After growing her business to over $1M in revenue, managing a career as a bestselling author and college professor, Tracy “crashed and burned.” And learned. Now she teaches others how to take their high-achieving personality and explode productivity while staying balanced, healthy and joyful.

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Showing 1 - 20 of 41 results