
Dr. Laura Gabayan is a world-renowned physician and researcher. Regarded internationally as an expert in the field of research, she has published dozens of papers cited by hundreds of researchers. In Common Wisdom, Dr. Gabayan interviewed 60 wise individuals across North America and scientifically defined wisdom as 8 elements. Common Wisdom describes the findings of The Wisdom Research Project,
a first-of-its-kind multi-year research effort. The book is insightful and concise. Wisdom is a state of being that lets you live a more meaningful life.

Media Pitch

Dr. Laura Gabayan is a world-renowned highly published physician researcher who scientifically defined wisdom in her book, Common Wisdom. She interviewed 60 wise individuals ages 50-79 years across North America and arrived at the 8 elements of wisdom. Her book is fascinating , insightful, and concise.

Talking Points or Standard Questions

1. Why did you study Wisdom?
2. What is Common Wisdom about?
3. What is Wisdom?
4. Which element surprised you the most?
5. Where can we find this book?

Do you agree to promote your interview?
Mailing List, Social Networks
Social Reach
Your podcast will be discussed at length in the tab of my website titled “In the media.” In order to do so, I will need you to tell me when the podcast goes live, a link to the podcast, and what you would like me to say.
Social Media
Available to conduct interviews via:
Landline Phone, Mobile Phone, Internet Voice, Skype, Zoom
Available Equipment

I have a quality microphone that I have used for my podcasts with success.

Interview Availability
Monday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm, Tuesday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm, Wednesday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm, Thursday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm, Friday 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Time Zone
Additional notes about availability or scheduling

Please contact me when you want to schedule as I have other podcasts that are booked.

lauragabayan.jpeg 9 months ago
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