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For decades Madeleine has been a fierce leader of the holistic health movement inspiring wellness entrepreneurs to become the Healthcare Heroes they where meant to be. Madeleine is an in-demand speaker and healthcare revolutionist.

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Clarity Catalyst for Entrepreneurs. After 5 career reinventions, Arin discovered she was a human “doing”. She stands for more human being-ness in the workplace. Coaching in the space of authentic leadership, to build effective and productive cultures for the next generation of big business.

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For the last 30 years, Brian has worked with individuals and small businesses owners who have been frustrated with poor growth and a lack of cash in their bank accounts to develop solutions to improve their overall cashflow.

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Dr. Deb Peretz helps entrepreneurs align their businesses and lives with their karmic purpose using astrology and leading-edge coaching techniques. Whether you want to reduce stress, attract abundance or grow a business you love, astrology-based coaching is the rocket fuel that will get you there.

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The Information Diva, Deborah Thorne, is an author, coach, trainer, speaker, and the host of The Leverage Conference for Speakers, Authors, and Entrepreneurs. Advising and supporting women entrepreneurs, she encourages them to do business like a woman, not like a man… She E.O. …not C.E.O.

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I am the founder and owner of Life Path Numerology Center, a teaching and consulting center for both individuals and businesses. I am a best selling author, teacher, and consultant, using numerology as the basis. I hosted a radio show and have appeared as a guest on many shows.

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Vaughn is the co-founder of Results-Driven Leadership. He is a leadership development expert, podcaster, and author. His methods are brought from his real-world experience working on the front lines and living the role of being a high-impact leader and manager.

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Gene Guarino is the Founder of Residential Assisted Living Academy. He is the top author, speaker and entrepreneur in the senior housing field.

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Lucille Roache is a Business Startup coach, author and a public speaker, is hired to work with new female business owners and helps them to create a step-by-step plan of action to set their business up for success, without the confusion and overwhelm.


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From zero to three million in consulting sales in one year, I’m someone who has in the last 30 years made millions (and occasionally lost millions), co-founded a technology now used in an emotional intelligence app for Alzheimers’ patients, and taught over 25,000 people worldwide.  

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Regina Peterburgsky has built a 7-figure Amazon Brand after transitioning from Bricks & Mortar retail 2015. A frequent guest at summits and on podcasts, she is currently focused on empowering Women to improve their financial and time circumstances by leveraging the Amazon platform.

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Carla Cohen is the fonder of the Women’s Health Revolution. Her mission is to help entrepreneurs who are feeling burnt out, stuck or in pain attain inner peace, joy, and abundance. Winner of the Exceptional Global Woman Award and best selling author.

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Anna Parker-Naples helps entrepreneurs to get visible and launch podcasts with impact.

She is a bestselling author, host of UK no.1 podcast Entrepreneurs Get Visible and international speaker.

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Michelle Barr is a Business and Mindset Coach. Building a Personality Brand allowed her to create a solid six-figure business and a life she loves using both The Marketing to Make It Work and The Mindset to Make It Happen. She is the author of The Entrepreneurs Guide to Taking Action.

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As a Quantum leap specialist and breakthrough expert Marcus helps wellness practitioners and subject matter experts to get out of there own road so they can confidently share their magic, reach the next level of success and live their full potential abundantly.

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After finding the courage to say “bye-bye” to her corporate marketing career, Kathy Goughenour built a 6-figure Virtual Assistant business from her tiny house in the middle of a forest. Today, she teaches women how to create their own work-at-home VA careers.

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Michael Dermer is an entrepreneur, lawyer, speaker, coach, founder and author of The Lonely Entrepreneur – a one stop shop that understand the entrepreneur’s struggle and provides solutions to the business and personal issues we all face as entrepreneurs.

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Debra Russell, Certified Business Coach and Speaker since 2001, brings the business savvy to your audience. She will entertain your listeners with humor and compassion, while delivering solid, actionable business advice. Debra is THE business coach for the non-business-minded business owner.

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