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The Information Diva, Deborah Thorne, is America’s She E.O. …not C.E.O.™️ Coach. She is an award-winning, internationally known author, coach, trainer, speaker, and the founder and host of The Leverage Conference for Speakers, Authors, and Entrepreneurs. She advises and supports motivated women to transition from employee to six-figure entrepreneur, by creating income-generating businesses, not glorified hobbies. Always encouraging women to do business like a woman, not like a man… She E.O. …not C.E.O.™️

Her brands include:
> Cash May Be King, But Content is Queen, 30 Ways to Make Money While You Sleep
> Entrepreneurial Women of Faith book collaborations for women of all faiths,
> Get Your Book Done Now!, a nine-step system fro get your book done in 90 days
> These Women Mean Business! Trade Explorations, exploring opportunities to do business internationally while traveling
> Let’s Talk Leverage Podcast

Like many entrepreneurs, Deborah wears more than one hat. She is also Ms. D to thousands of kids. She is a conflict resolution specialist, certified mediator, and anti-bullying expert.

Media Pitch

The Information Diva often touts her Ph.D. from the School of Hard Knocks. She uses it to help audience members relate to their own ups and downs with business. She has a direct and often humorous manner of presentation that allows her to provide down-to-earth solutions and strategies as she demystifies business principles and systems.

The Information Diva advises and supports motivated women, to reduce their learning curve, so they can transition from employee to six-figure entrepreneur, creating income-generating businesses not glorified hobbies, always encouraging them to do business like a woman, not like a man… She E.O. …not C.E.O.

Talking Points or Standard Questions

Some of her talking points include:
> Create it and they will buy is not a strategy for success
> Cash may be king, but content is queen
> Doing business like a woman, not like a man
> 30 ways to make money while you sleep

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Available to conduct interviews via:
Landline Phone, Mobile Phone, Skype, Facebook Live, Zoom
Available Equipment

USB Microphone Kit, Piy Painting Cardioid Condenser Microphone Kit with 192KHZ/24Bit Studio Mic Sound Chipset Scissor Arm

Interview Availability
Monday 9:00 am - 7:00 pm, Tuesday 9:00 am - 7:00 pm, Wednesday 9:00 am - 7:00 pm, Thursday 9:00 am - 7:00 pm, Friday 9:00 am - 7:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am - 7:00 pm, Sunday 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Time Zone
Deb's SUE transparent.png 3 years ago
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