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For the last 30 years, Brian has worked with individuals and small businesses to identify and develop solutions for a diverse range of financial, taxation, and business issues. Over the years, he has helped thousands of clients. With a diverse background including being a CPA tax accountant, a certified financial planner, a certified financial coach,, a mortgage broker, and a business consultant along with his experiences of being involved in several businesses, Brian has a wealth of experience that he loves to shares with his clients.

Your audience will always take away something from one of Brian’s talks that they can use in their own situation. Whether it is gaining insight into a specific financial topic or just learning about Brian’s experiences with his own entrepreneurial career and those of his numerous clients, Brian has a keen interest in helping and coaching clients through their financial problems.

Media Pitch

Your audience will always take away something from one of Brian’s talks that they can use in their own situation. Whether it is gaining insight into a specific financial topic or just learning about Brian’s experiences with his own entrepreneurial career and those of his numerous clients, Brian has a keen interest in helping and coaching clients through their financial problems.

Talking Points or Standard Questions

The importance of knowing your numbers as you grow your business
How to increase your cashflow for both individuals and businesses.
Increasing your cashflow by optimizing your marketing
Increasing your cashflow by maximizing your tax savings

Do you agree to promote your interview?
Mailing List, Social Networks
Social Media
Available to conduct interviews via:
Landline Phone, Mobile Phone, Google Hangouts, Zoom
Available Equipment

Blue Yeti USB microphone, studio microphone

Time Zone
CST (Do not observe daylight savings time)
Additional notes about availability or scheduling

I am very flexible in terms of timing and scheduling as long as I have some notice before hand.

Custom Profile Picture - PowerPoint Template (1) (1).png 4 years ago
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