
Debra Russell ( is an elite Certified Business Coach, Keynote Speaker and Professional Development Trainer, and holds a Master level Certificate in Ericksonian Hypnosis and NLP. With 18 years of experience as a business coach, she specializes in working with professionals in the Arts & Entertainment Industry, Professional Athletes and small business owners who are pursuing their passion as a business across multiple industries.

Bringing the business savvy to your passion business, Debra is THE business coach for the non-business-minded business owner. Beyond her business savvy, Debra helps businesses maximize the value from their platform and audience to become mission-driven influencers in their market and make their unique difference in the world.

She does this by helping them create the foundation and scaffolding necessary to create a life and business that serves their unique purpose and values, while building a platform strong enough and sturdy enough to support all of their impact-driven efforts. Often the first piece of the foundation necessary is Time Management (the Meta system) and productivity systems. Because if their time management doesn’t work, it’s likely little else does either.

An experienced guest, with interviews in documentaries, television and podcasts, Debra uses her degree in theater and years of personal experience in the arts and entertainment industry, to entertain your listeners with humor while making them think differently about their lives and business.

As a speaker, Debra has presented professional development trainings, keynotes, bootcamps and workshops across the US, as well as Europe and Australia. Debra has spoken at industry conferences including SXSW (interactive) and the TAXI Road Rally (music), for private organizations and companies including the Zero Balancing Association, Pacific Sculpture Association and Romance Writers of America, and for Universities including Syracuse University, University of Florida, Monmouth University, and St. Joseph’s University.

Media Pitch

Debra Russell, on the verge of living her vision of being a film producer and director, was given a seemingly life-ending prognosis – she would be bed-ridden and disabled for the rest of her life. Her story is a journey of stubbornness and a willingness to do the uncomfortable. Through courage, discipline and commitment she has learned to manage her illness and go far beyond what her doctor’s predicted.

Knowing she could never go back to her previous life, Debra set out to discover what her true purpose really was and as she says, “Coaching discovered me.” She tells her story with self-effacing humility and a real sense of discovery and exploration.

She brings her experience in entertainment, a sense of joy and the ability to laugh at life’s foibles, PLUS knowledge of business, psychology, personal growth, health and wellness, to entertain and enlighten your audience.

Understanding the ebb and flow of a successful interview, she is an easy guest and will give you a lot to work with.

Talking Points or Standard Questions

Topics of interest:
Telling her story
Time Management
Business and entrepreneurship
Mindset and empowerment
Overcoming obstacles with an experimental methodology

In addition, Debra can improvise on the fly – including taking live questions from your audience.

Do you agree to promote your interview?
Mailing List, Social Networks
Social Reach
3500 mailing list; Twitter (combined) 9,000, Linkedin 2,000+, Facebook (combined profile/pages) 2800
Social Media
Available to conduct interviews via:
Landline Phone, Mobile Phone, Skype, Zoom
Available Equipment

Plantronics voyager headset and noise cancelling microphone, used with both cell phone and HP Spectre. High speed internet for high quality zoom and skype calls.

Interview Availability
Monday 11:00 am - 5:00 pm, Tuesday 11:00 am - 5:00 pm, Wednesday 11:00 am - 5:00 pm, Thursday 11:00 am - 5:00 pm, Friday 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Time Zone
Eastern US
Additional notes about availability or scheduling

Availability is subject to pre-existing client sessions scheduled and I’m generally booking about 2 weeks ahead. I am willing to reschedule or schedule outside of the above times to make things work – as much as I am able to depending on client’s needs and my own health.

debra-russell-headshot-2016.jpg 4 years ago
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