Eloy is an IT Engineer by trade and is currently invested in 113 multi-family units. It is Eloy’s ability to build trust and to deliver on his promises that forge the foundation of his strong relationships with investors.
Shane and Jocelyn Sams are former schoolteachers turned entrepreneurs in 2012. They now help other families start their own businesses and leave their 9 to 5 jobs behind!
Jeff is the Courage Catalyst for rising heroes. Jeff has been propelling people into more powerful, productive and profitable lives for over 30 years. He helps people see the hero hiding in their dreams and unleashes them to live their quest.
Coach, author and thought leader in the area of group and team coaching, Jennifer has been an early pioneer in the virtual and remote space. A former leader with the United Nations, since 2004, she’s led Potentials Realized, an award-winning performance improvement company,
Lorraine Duncan runs her own digital marketing company, Biz Gone Social, where she advises small businesses how to utilize social media in their marketing. Lorraine is an author of the book “Shout It Out”, a social media marketing guide for business owners.
Jessica Thiefels is an entrepreneur and upcoming author. Living with intention helped her move across the country, build a thriving business, and travel the world while growing her agency and writing a book. She shares her experiences to help others bring intention to life and work.