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Performance & Success Strategist is a PsyD with 25 yrs as Marr-Fam Therapist.  Regardless of current level of success anyone can have blocks to their best performance. Dr Avis goes to the source of stalled or frozen reactions to convert them into decisive leadership for business and in life.

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For decades Madeleine has been a fierce leader of the holistic health movement inspiring wellness entrepreneurs to become the Healthcare Heroes they where meant to be. Madeleine is an in-demand speaker and healthcare revolutionist.

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Linsi Brownson is a certified coach for creative entrepreneurs who want to ditch burnout and enjoy life while growing their businesses.

Over 15 years, Linsi has helped dozens of overwhelmed business owners take charge of their time, energy, and operations so they can do their most inspired work.

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From zero to three million in consulting sales in one year, I’m someone who has in the last 30 years made millions (and occasionally lost millions), co-founded a technology now used in an emotional intelligence app for Alzheimers’ patients, and taught over 25,000 people worldwide.  

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For the last 30 years, Brian has worked with individuals and small businesses owners who have been frustrated with poor growth and a lack of cash in their bank accounts to develop solutions to improve their overall cashflow.

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Bill Pratt is a college professor, a business and money coach and an author of several books, including a personal finance textbook. Bill speaks on topics related to money across the country and has also been featured on a twice-monthly TV program called Money Matters.

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Ellen teaches women entrepreneurs to feel more worthy and deserving and helps them clear money blocks and fears of visibility to grow their impact and income. She known for getting her clients fast results, and is both a CPA/MBA and empowerment coach and healer for women.

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Debra Russell, Certified Business Coach and Speaker since 2001, brings the business savvy to your audience. She will entertain your listeners with humor and compassion, while delivering solid, actionable business advice. Debra is THE business coach for the non-business-minded business owner.

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Michael Dermer is an entrepreneur, lawyer, speaker, coach, founder and author of The Lonely Entrepreneur – a one stop shop that understand the entrepreneur’s struggle and provides solutions to the business and personal issues we all face as entrepreneurs.

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Business coach for photographers/creatives. I love to support others to become highly profitable doing what they love. Award winning PPA Master Craftsman Photographer full time for 36 years, I have a experience and insights to share. Plus…I love a great conversation on almost any topic.


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Dr. Deb Peretz helps entrepreneurs align their businesses and lives with their karmic purpose using astrology and leading-edge coaching techniques. Whether you want to reduce stress, attract abundance or grow a business you love, astrology-based coaching is the rocket fuel that will get you there.

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Vaughn is the co-founder of Results-Driven Leadership. He is a leadership development expert, podcaster, and author. His methods are brought from his real-world experience working on the front lines and living the role of being a high-impact leader and manager.

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Laura Cowan, Esq. is an award-winning NYC attorney, CPA, and business coach helping entrepreneurs worldwide have a legally legit business.

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Anna Parker-Naples helps entrepreneurs to get visible and launch podcasts with impact.

She is a bestselling author, host of UK no.1 podcast Entrepreneurs Get Visible and international speaker.

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Career coach, speaker, author helping women overcome limiting beliefs, discover transferable skills, lead with their strengths and make career change decisions with clarity, confidence, and courage. Creator of the program Burnout to Bliss.

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Robert MacPhee is the creator of the Excellent Decisions approach to being an effective leader.  He helps people create the results and experiences they desire by teaching them how to make decisions based on their vision and values rather than stress and pressure.

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Lucille Roache is a Business Startup coach, author and a public speaker, is hired to work with new female business owners and helps them to create a step-by-step plan of action to set their business up for success, without the confusion and overwhelm.


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Clarity Catalyst for Entrepreneurs. After 5 career reinventions, Arin discovered she was a human “doing”. She stands for more human being-ness in the workplace. Coaching in the space of authentic leadership, to build effective and productive cultures for the next generation of big business.

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Philip Topham is The Savvy Founder and Armchair sociologist. Philip has an inquisitive mind and passion for ideas. He’s impatient to see tomorrow’s today. He focuses on helping technical founders raise funds, develop their business skills and social capital with The Savvy Founder framework.    

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