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Sherry Anshara is an international bestselling author and has had 5 near death experiences.  She utilizes her experience and expertise as a Medical Intuitive and Success Coach as the foundation of her groundbreaking work with Cellular Memory, which she calls the Anshara Method.


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As a pharmaceutical chemist, Dr. Cindy quickly learned that medications were not the path to true health when she was diagnosed with an “incurable” disorder that she overcame with the use of alternative therapies.  She now helps people transform their health naturally.

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U.S. Air Force Academy graduate, physicist & Colonel, Deanna is an ovarian cancer survivor who came out of hospice when given 4 weeks to live. She’s a holistic health coach, #1 International Bestselling Author, and honored Woman of the Year 2015-16 by the National Association of Professional Women.

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Dr. Gordon Pedersen is highly acclaimed for multiple scientific and medical discoveries and his contribution to Chicken Soup for the Enriching Soul as one of the original co-authors.
Dr. Pedersen holds Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine, Ph.D. in Toxicology , Ph.D. in Immunology and Biology.

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After a working lifetime going from nerdy engineer to IT executive, Patrick Willis quit being a corporate drone and found a bigger “why”:

Having seen the turmoil people receiving a terminal diagnosis go through, Patrick launched a coaching business to help them live their best possible life.

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With over 20 years of formulating and manufacturing products for alternative doctors around the world, I have the real world experience to know what it really takes to get listeners healthy in today’s toxic world.

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Break Behavioral Patterns-Shift Relationships-Shift anxiety – ReShape your life with life coach Amber De Ann.

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Rachel works with animals who are sick, injured, diseased, or have suffered from abuse whose humans are looking for a miracle.

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As a transitions coach I help clients quickly and successfully navigate major life and organizational blow outs and eliminate fear as a primary obstacle to moving forward. I teach them how to become emotionally bulletproof in face of change.

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Robert is an arthritis survivor who helps others reduce or avoid the struggles associated with this disease.

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Alyson Franz helps people who feel held back by grief and trauma completely break-free so they can flourish and thrive in their life. She is the best-selling author of “The Grief Cure” and has been featured on several podcasts.

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I help people who are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired to increase their energy, reverse symptoms, and feel better than they ever imagined possible. All without medications, diets, supplements, or risky procedures.

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Gunther is an expert in bringing life-changing therapies to people that make them Feel Young, Healthy, and Vibrant again.  Great Guest if your show is about feeling great in your body, being optimally productive in life, and wanting to be a “Rock Star” no matter what your age.

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For over 30 years, Dr. Alexandra Kleeberg has explored ancient wisdom and modern research to develop Self-Healing by Embody-Mental Imagination” (SHEMI). She teaches it to daily groups helping Clients to heal themselves from almost any illness. She is a speaker and author of 6 books.

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Depression and a spreading breast tumor from passively using birth control as a teen led De’Nicea to learn the difference between a healthy cycle and one we accept as normal. Now, she saves uteruses and makes babies holistically as a Holistic Period & Fertility Strategist.

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I am an author, speaker, healer, mother, creator. Everything that I do stems from my core belief, which is; I am a stand for women all over the world to be freed from the oppression of pain and trauma~ to find liberation within their own gifts.

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