Gunther - Headshot.jpg

Gunther Mueller (aka: The Vibrant Health Guru) has spent the better part of the last decade closely working with over 250 medical professionals, in a variety of specialties, assisting them in bringing the life-changing therapies to their patients that make them Feel Young, Healthy, and Vibrant. Gunther enjoys living in Littleton, CO with his beautiful wife and three amazing children, and loves to Ski (water and snow), hike, bike, read, and experience the over 300 days of sunshine in colorful Colorado.

Vibrant Health Gurus is a weekly radio show that broadcasts on 94.3 KNEWS ( ) in Palm Springs, CA every Saturday from 2-3pm reaching approximately 25,000 listeners. Gunther interviews the Gurus from around the country that are radically changing people’s health destinies. From Cardiologists, OBGYN’s, and Family Practice Doctors to Authors, Inventors, and Key Opinion Leaders… Gunther delivers the education and the complex information in simple, easy to understand conversation that inspires people to act and take charge of their own individual health care decisions.

The national epidemics of Heart Disease, Obesity, Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, Dementia & Alzheimer’s, Osteoporosis, Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome, and an overall lack of well-being in our culture point to the fact that something different needs to happen in the lives of humans if they will even have a chance at healthy aging, and truly enjoying those “Golden Years”. The political and economic forces that have shaped our healthcare system have created the greatest “Sick-Care” system the world has ever known, and America ranks 22 out of 23 industrialized nations regarding Quality of Life metrics.

Gunther is an expert in relaying the concepts and the therapies that are available to people so that they can know and understand to make better decisions about their health going forward. Americans will spend the most amount of money on heath care in the last 5 years of their life, and Gunther is committed to, and passionate about, the principles of Prevention and Treatments that are harmonious with our physiology. We live in a culture where there is now a “pill” for every symptom, and people are suffering from a myriad of side-effects from adhering to this accepted system of medicine. Being the Guru that gets to rub shoulders with the Gurus that are changing patient lives is a unique position that gives a very wide perspective of the many different strategies and tactics readily available to people to optimize health and vitality.

Gunther is co-owner of Preventive Medicine Centers in Palm Springs, CA which has been practicing individualized and personalized evidence-based medicine since 1997. Being in the mix of delivering patient care that alleviates symptoms without side-effects and helps prevent some of the epidemic diagnosis is a very rewarding activity. Gunther’s passionate dream is to help tens of millions of people get the education they need about how their own bodies function and feel so that they can make better choices to age in a healthier way.

Immersed in the Entrepreneurial Spirit for the past 30 years, Gunther has been involved in several different industries which also gives him a unique perspective and ability to see things differently and to find solutions to sometimes daunting problems. He has spent 20 years in the food industry from commercial fishing, to food distribution, to owning 4 of his own restaurants. This experience has given an up-close understanding about the issues in our food supply and why even though we do our best to “Eat Healthy” we are fighting a losing battle in many cases which is the root cause of our nutritional deficiencies even though we are eating more as a culture than we ever have in history.

Having been invited to work in the field of Hormone Optimization revolutionized the way Gunther viewed aging and the current health care system. Investigating what the science says about Human Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy was a riveting and eye-opening experience, and the inspiration hit that this was to be a life-long mission from here on out. It became very confusing and frustrating as to why the medical community at large did not know or understand the medical literature over the past 75 years which clearly demonstrates that optimizing our hormonal balance is the key towards experiencing a healthy aging process. The question really became; What will the last ten years of people’s lives be like if they do not receive this critical information. The media has done a great job of disseminating myths, half-truths, and all forms of incomplete fear-based information to the public.

Gunther enjoys answering the tough health questions that many people have been concerned and confused about for years in a logical, easy to connect the dots, common-sense way that resonates with listeners through the media and in live seminars. Topics such as weigh loss, metabolic function, maintaining strong bones & muscles, regaining mental clarity, increasing libido and desire, optimal sexual health and function, and prevention of the myriad of issues that face us as a culture are intriguing and sometimes mind-blowing conversations.

Vibrant Heath Gurus is always looking for the right guests that can bring insight and value to listeners and optimize results for the advertisers and sponsors of the show. Gunther is also able to be an inspiring, massive value adding guest on a show that is looking to bring additional information and resources to the minds of their listeners for them to live more productive and optimal lives no matter what their goals and dreams are. It has been said that “You can have everything in the world, but without your health your really don’t have anything”. Optimal Health is one of the highest human desires, yet most do not know the secrets to getting there and maintaining this state of being. Listening to The Vibrant Health Guru, and engaging with the vetted education & resources presented will create massive impact and change in the lives of all that have the opportunity to hear the message.

Media Pitch

The reason you would want me as a guest on your show is because I AM NOT BORING, and I am amazingly knowledgeable about what it takes for your listeners to feel Young, Healthy, & Vibrant Again! I deliver high-energy, insightful, interesting, and actionable conversation

Talking Points or Standard Questions

1)Testosterone/Estrogen Myths & Facts
The Media has spread all kinds of mis-information into the minds of everyday people like “Estrogen causes Breast Cancer, that “Testosterone causes Prostate Cancer, Heart Attacks, and Strokes”. Discover the truth behind why people say what they say, why your doctors just don’t know what they don’t know, why people are suffering, and what we can do about it Now!

2)The Top 3 Supplements Everyone Needs to Take
Vitamins, Supplements, and Nutrition can be an overwhelming and confusing topic for many. There are so many competing sources of information. The Vibrant Health Guru will break it down for you and demonstrate from the medical literature what the essential must-have nutrients are so that you can have a chance at living an Optimal Healthy Life.

3)Why 52 Million Americans have Hypothyroid Symptoms and being told they are “Normal”
Cold hands, Cold Feet, Dry Skin, Low Energy & Fatigue, Unexplained Weight Gain, Depression, Hair Loss, are just a few of the 100 symptoms associated with hypothyroidism (low-functioning thyroid). Most Americans get annual lab work done and are being told that everything is “Normal”. Discover the one Thyroid test that is essential and is just not being done or looked at… It will absolutely CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

4)#1 Killer of Americans is Heart Disease… How to Prevent It!
Many believe it is family history, some believe it is genetic, but over 40 years ago some well-done repeated medical studies show us how to PREVENT Heart Attacks, Strokes, and even Diabetes. Discover why after 40 years of modern western medicine we have not been able to lower the incidence of Heart Disease in this country, and what you can do to change your destiny TODAY!

Links To Latest Interviews Scroll down to look for Vibrant Health Gurus.

There are about 26 one hour shows uploaded to that site.

Do you agree to promote your interview?
Mailing List, Social Networks
Social Reach
I have about 4000 patients that I would share the interview with. About 600 business associates on LinkedIn, and about 500 on FB
Social Media
Available to conduct interviews via:
Landline Phone, Mobile Phone, Internet Voice, Google Hangouts, Skype, Facebook Live, Zoom
Available Equipment

I have a quiet space and a top quality microphone and webcam with a studio background to conduct interviews in.

Interview Availability
Monday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Tuesday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Wednesday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Thursday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Saturday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Sunday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Time Zone
Additional notes about availability or scheduling

I have been self employed for 30 years so I have the freedom in my schedule to be available for interviews whenever it is convenient for the host.

I am funny, entertaining, and packed with information that can radically change the health destiny of your listeners which will help them accomplish whatever you are helping them to do in an even more successful manner.

Gunther - Headshot.jpg 6 years ago
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