
Born and raised on the south side of Chicago. My mother was divorced twice. I never knew my father and never connected with my step-father. We struggled for many years with money issues, and I carried that with me when I moved to San Diego, CA in 1987. I also brought my blue-collar mentality.

I’ve worked many different jobs, but spent the greater part of my working career in the computer support arena. At the age of 54, I lost a job of 15 years with a phone call. It would be almost 2 years before I worked again.

During those 2 years, I never suffered the depression or down times the “experts” say I should have. When I became consciously aware of this, I began to question why. The reason why not turned out to be in the materials I’d been consuming since my 20’s. People like Wayne Dyer, Robert Ringer, Esther Hicks and others had opened my mind to concepts like self-responsibility and choice, which in turn had made it easier for me to see life’s curve balls as a part of the process, rather than as excuses to play the victim card.

There is a more complete bio on my website:

Media Pitch

Stress and anxiety play huge parts in issues of health and relationships. Stress can cause heart problems, high blood pressure, diabetes and many other physical ailments. It’s also commonly listed as the #1 cause of marital problems.

But stress is also a major factor in the corporate bottom line. People who dislike their jobs, co-workers or boss, simply don’t perform as well as they could. They quit or create circumstances that bring about their termination more frequently than others, costing the company money to replace them. And they are more likely to have medical issues, resulting in lost manpower for the business. These things all contribute to reduced earnings.

One simple change can make a huge shift in this situation: mindset. When a person moves their focus from misery to possibility, their entire physiology changes, and they become better performers on the job, cause fewer problems, take less time off and get along better with those around them.

My work is to help people do just that; change their focus. It’s done through teaching Law of Attraction principles, with relatable terminology backed by science.

Talking Points or Standard Questions

How does an employee’s world view affect the corporate bottom line?
What is the #1 reason people are unhappy about (ANYTHING) in their lives?
How important is perspective?
Why do we try so hard to change, but often make so little progress?
Why do people like to play the victim card?
How can people learn to breathe again, when their financial lives are in chaos?

Links To Latest Interviews

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Social Media
Available to conduct interviews via:
Mobile Phone, Internet Voice, Skype, Facebook Live
Available Equipment

For video, I usually just use the webcam on my laptop. Seems to do the job. My mic is a CAD u37. It has fairly good quality sound. I’m in the early stages of all of this, so haven’t had the real need to invest in more expensive equipment.

Interview Availability
Monday 9:00 am - 8:00 pm, Tuesday 9:00 am - 8:00 pm, Wednesday 9:00 am - 8:00 pm, Thursday 9:00 am - 8:00 pm, Friday 9:00 am - 8:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am - 8:00 pm, Sunday 9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Time Zone
Additional notes about availability or scheduling

I can be available pretty much any time. The days/times listed above are just preferred.

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