Ordinary lives are the result of a world narrowing as life progresses beyond childhood. Extraordinary lives exceed goals, fulfill dreams, and make a difference in the world of their sphere of influence.
Living an extraordinary life requires upending your perspective and looking at the world with the same awe, curiosity, and wonder of your youth, intensified with the wisdom of your age and experience.
To live an extraordinary life, you’ll need some extraordinary guidance.
Trevor Perry is your guide. He is an influential and motivational storyteller, author, speaker, coach, and technologist. His Australian heritage and life experiences offer him a unique perspective, allowing him to translate complex topics into straightforward concepts. Trevor continues
to make a difference in the lives of people from all cultures around the globe.
Trevor believes we are all extraordinary. Through storytelling and coaching, he motivates people
to find and follow their passion. He guides people, in groups, or one-on-one, to build their transformative roadmap to achieve their dreams and unfulfilled goals.
Trevor challenges, entertains, delights, and reveals ordinary things in new and extraordinary ways.
Trevor offers three transformational keynote sessions.
– Never Iron When You Are Naked
– Five Practical Steps to Living an Extraordinary Life
– What the F*** Was I Meant to Do?
Trevor offers life-changing coaching programs.
– Building a Roadmap to Achieve Your Unfulfilled Goals
* Six week or eight week one-on-one online programs
– The First Step to Building a Roadmap to Achieve Your Unfulfilled Goals
* Two hour in person sessions
Trevor’s most popular book is Never Iron When You Are Naked
– it’s full of Advice Your Mother Should Have Given You, But Never Did.
Follow Trevor’s long time passion project at URXO.com – You Are Extraordinary.
Macbook Pro, professional microphone..
Trevor pitches at the New Media Summit in Austin – September 2018
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