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Robert MacPhee is the creator of the Excellent Decisions approach to being an effective leader. He helps people create the results and experiences they desire by teaching them how to make decisions based on their vision and values rather than stress and pressure. Making Excellent Decisions helps people THRIVE – achieve at a very high level and be truly happy. And by truly happy, Robert means according to the Ancient Greek definition of happiness, “the experience of joy while in pursuit of your potential.” Robert is the former Director of Training for Jack Canfield, (Chicken Soup for the Soul, The Success Principles…), a Founding Member of the Transformational Leadership Council, a Co-Founder of the Southern California Association of Transformational Leaders, and the author of the “Manifesting for Non-Gurus” book and partner journal. Robert is a brilliant coach and consultant whose approach is interactive, experiential and fun. His commitment is to increase your listeners awareness so they can make more Excellent Decisions and live the lives they dream of. It doesn’t need to be difficult…

Talking Points or Standard Questions

– What exactly is an Excellent Decision?
– What is a comfort zone, why do people get stuck in them, how can they get out of them?
– Why do people struggle to achieve goals they KNOW are good for them?
– How are Excellent Decisions important in organizations?
– Why is it important for leaders to make Excellent Decisions?
– What are some examples of Excellent Decisions and the results people have seen from making them?

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Available to conduct interviews via:
Landline Phone, Mobile Phone, Internet Voice, Google Hangouts, Skype, Facebook Live, Zoom
Available Equipment

2019 Macbook Pro, Audio Technica ATR-2100 Microphone

Time Zone
Pacific Time (SF Bay Area)
Additional notes about availability or scheduling

I’m an entrepreneur with control of my own schedule so I can easily make myself available!

Head Shot.jpg 5 years ago
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