Doug Agharta Logo.jpg

Douglas Smythe was first introduced to traditional shaving as a child watching his dad shave on the weekends, fast forward to today and find him and his business, Phoenix Shaving, trailblazing on the forefront of the Traditional Wet Shaving revival we are currently seeing crop up around the world.

Having created his first perfume at age 8 with his chemistry set the die was cast. After college he moved to Central America where he lived in a hammock at the edge of the rain forest. While there he developed an after bite type solution that relieved the inflammation of bug bites. The product became popular with both locals and tourist alike, so much so, four years later he was back in the USA producing and shipping his wares to Costa Rica.

Eventually his passion for male grooming and traditional shaving became the focal point of his business and Phoenix Shaving was born. Almost immediately, folks began to take notice of Phoenix Shaving’s daring scents and creative approach to all things shaving and within 2 years both him and his business partner were featured in Forbes Magazine.

Douglas is also co-host of the popular morning show I’d Lather Be Shaving and organizer of The Big Shave West, a yearly “Shave Festival” held each year outside of Los Angeles in sunny Pasadena, California. He is a lively online personality and a dynamic public speaker on all things male grooming with a concentration in the art and technique of traditional shaving.

Documentary on The Big Shave West, year 2:

Prior podcast appearances: Fit Man Project, Gentlemen’s Scofflaw, Niche Pursuits, Passive Income, The Cutting Edge Wet Shaving Podcast, Moustache & Blade.

Douglas also runs the YouTube show I’d Lather Be Shaving:
Featured in Forbes Magazine and in this months (June 2018) Modern Vintage Magazine.

Media Pitch

Media Pitch
As a guest, Douglas is captivating and never dull. You need not worry about a one word reply in regards to anything traditional shaving or male grooming. Smythe makes the topic of shaving exciting and truly interesting. Within minutes he will over the toughest audience, which comes from years of keynote speaking engagements and his own media experience.

Talking Points or Standard Questions

1) How to get the best shave of your life.
2) Why most men think they have sensitive skin but do not.
3) Shaving History
4) Traditional Shaving
5) The Traditional Wet Shaving Revival
6) Facial Hair and Male Grooming
7) Perfuming, Colognes & Aftershaves

10 Interview Questions You Can Ask Me
1) What is wet shaving?
2) How did you get started?
3) What are some of your products and what sets them apart.
4) Do you see Traditional Shaving returning in a big way?
5) How do you feel about the Dollar Shave Club or Harry’s?
6) What are some must have classic aftershaves?
7) How does one begin to Traditional Shave?

Do you agree to promote your interview?
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Social Reach
We have a HUGE Social Media Reach
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Available to conduct interviews via:
Landline Phone, Mobile Phone, Internet Voice, Google Hangouts, BeLive.TV, Skype, Facebook Live
Available Equipment

Having had 4 podcasts, I am well equipped.

Time Zone
Arizona Time
Additional notes about availability or scheduling

Being self employed, I am super flexible! 🙂

Doug Agharta Logo.jpg 3 years ago
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