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Media Pitch

Growing up, I always had one question: What does it mean to be a leader?

See, I was raised by 3 women because my father decided to abandon me at a young age, and I grew up in a world where it was common to see leaders fail in every facet of life, whether it be in the home, in corporations, in our government or in the church.

So I dedicated myself to studying this concept, studying and competing internationally in martial arts for 2 decades, starting work at the age of 12, through the development of my faith, rising up to advising at the c-suite level in my corporate career before starting my own business as a Leadership Coach, Speaker, Teacher and now Podcaster! My business, LoCo Coyote Enterprises, currently runs under the mission of developing the next generation of legendary leaders so they can emerge and become who they were meant to be in order to create a better future! Our values are Faith, Family, Freedom and Future – in that order.

I have been working on a book for 2 years which is currently in the running for the Extraordinarian award for Coaches with ideas that can change people, businesses and the future for the better! The book, Legendary Leadership: How to Obtain Repeatable Monumental Results, goes through what I’ve called the “Leadership Pyramid”, which goes through the 12 levels and 18 components of leadership, broken up into 3 mains sections: The Essence of Elite Leadership, Developing a Dream Team, and Generating Reproduceable Monumental Results. When built well, the Leadership pyramid can withstand the forces of time, disasters (both natural and human-made), and economic turmoil. When built incorrectly, you find the typical struggles that leaders of all types go through, whether corporate, entrepreneurial, political, in the church or at home!

Along with this, in my coaching practice, I have developed a system that I call the L.I.F.E. S.P.E.E.D. System to Successfully Overcome D.E.A.T.H. (To become a book in the future) which shows people how live at Life Speed, instead at the Speed of Death!

Allow me the opportunity to speak to your audience, and together we can help them see a path that will allow them to unlock Legendary Leadership in their lives so they can EMERGE and become who they were meant to be! (Plus, you can count on me to rave about your show!)

Talking Points or Standard Questions

Depending on the Topic of Your Show, I can do any of these either separately or mixed, whatever will best be suited to your audience:

Business: Anything around Leadership! Especially concepts around my book: Legendary Leadership. How my Martial Arts training (20 years in Tae-Kwon-Do Karate-Do, competing internationally, with study in Judo, Aikido, and Chanbara under tutelage and self-study in Tai-Chi, Capoeria, Krav Maga, amongst others) has impacted my business concepts and how they translate to leadership. I could also talk about what I believe the future of the business world is going to become based on the trends that I see occurring!

Entrepreneurship: How did you become a coach? What was your path? What are you currently working on? Where are you headed in the future? What was difficult for you on your entrepreneurial Journey? I really have no secrets here, happy to discuss any topic about my business, from my beliefs in what makes a person complete, to the theories behind how my podcast works to help people EMERGE and become who they were meant to be, the mission and values (Values of Faith, Family, Freedom, Future – in that order), and really anything else you can think of! Also, I love talking about “What is coaching, and how is it different from the other 4 careers in the Development world?”, as well as how to distinguish a professional coach from the plethora of people who claim to be coaches but really do no coaching at all!

Growing up: Being raised by 3 women, my father abandoning me after my mother found out he was married to another women at the same time as her, him coming into my life 18 years later and the results of that. How my martial arts training helped me in every facet of my life. Also, my failed engagement and the story of overcoming the backstabbing, depression with thoughts of suicide, the loss of friends and how it was actually all a good thing to have occurred in my life.

Faith: How my faith developed with a mother who allowed me to choose my own path, the studies into eastern religions and mysticism, my loss of faith, and how a Coyote brought me back to my Christian faith. I also love to talk about one of my favorite religious figures: Saint Francis of Assisi.

Systems: I have a system which I call the L.I.F.E. S.P.E.E.D. System to Successfully Overcome D.E.A.T.H. (which will become a book) that I utilize with my clients so they can move at Life Speed instead of the Speed of Death. I have also been developing a planning system which I call the “Tao Planning System” which is being used by some of my clients and is a hybridization of a system I learned from two mentors in my life: Darren Hardy and Geoff Woods (I plan to create a Planner/Journal around this system).

Links To Latest Interviews

Millennial Highway – 1st Episode:
Millennial Highway – 2nd Episode:

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Social Media: LinkedIn over 8000 Connections, Facebook over 900 Friends, working on an Email List and Instagram following
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Available to conduct interviews via:
Mobile Phone, Skype, Facebook Live, Zoom
Available Equipment

ATR2100 Microphone

Time Zone
Additional notes about availability or scheduling

I have control of my schedule, so as long as we plan it together, I can figure out a way to make most times work!

Head Shot 250 x 250.png 6 years ago
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