
I’ve always been first or last. I was the littlest kid in my class until I left for college. Just barely into puberty at that time. It was painful in high school gym class showers to have the body of a 10-year old.

Fortunately, more firsts than last. First non-MD in a summer intern program for medical residents; first economist for the AMA; first simultaneous econometric consultant to >100 large medical groups… the list goes on and on.

50 years later I’m still innovating, only now in WellCare (vs. sickcare). E.g. first to employ the network marketing model inside a medical practice to grow the referral base of patients into the practice, using the guidance in my book Abolish Wage Slavery.

There’s one thing that I don’t want to be last at… I don’t want to be the last man standing after the mega-corporations have destroyed sustainable human life conditions on our planet. You’ll find my plea for a Mahatma Gandhi-like people movement before the 2020 election primaries in my media pitch.

And maybe the first to keep my life history this short!

Media Pitch

In 1842 an Aunt Mary Todd took the name, Mary Todd Lincoln. I live my real Uncle Abe’s passion for ending slavery. I wrote the book Abolish Wage Slavery.

For the last 18 months ago, cancer enslaved my body. I resisted chemo and radiation. Last November, it spread.

I shifted my thinking… the key to ending slavery. I entered an immunotherapy drug trial December 20. Last week CT PET scans showed zero trace of cancer. In just 56 days. I abolished cancer slavery.

Your listeners download Abolish Wage Slavery. They learn how to simultaneously create six-figure net incomes, in 7-10 months, while they keep their jobs. They begin abolishing wage slavery.


Trump heads the plantation we all are slaves on, owned by the mega-corporations that bought and paid for control of our government and the political process. They are destroying the planet in their unethical pursuit of profits.


Help create a Gandhi-like movement that freed India in America now, before the 2020 elections. Yes, I want to be your guest. And most importantly your great grandchildren DEMAND, yes demand that you preserve their life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness by stopping the immoral destruction of our planet.

Drop that slip in my envelope. Let’s REINVENT DEMOCRACY and preserve the planet for everyone. Thank you.

Talking Points or Standard Questions

The essence of abolishing slavery, or as Steve Olsher might say, reinventing yourself, lies in creating new thoughts and ways of being. I think it happened this way in my life. I created beliefs about who I was. Then my beliefs created me, and the Universe went about creating reality to show up consistent with those beliefs.

At my current age, 25 (thrice, now 75), I can look back and see seemingly impossible things happen just because I believed it into being. In April of 1966, I hated being in law school and went to see my undergraduate school counselor about getting into graduate school somewhere where it was warm. He told me it was impossible for entry in 1966, but laid out a plan for me. In two weeks I had a full graduate NDEA fellowship for three years at Rice University (Houston).

It’s been this way all my life. Whatever I did, it didn’t exist until I was the first to do it.

But somehow, no matter what I did, I self-sabotaged. This unraveled in November 2018 when being coached in front of 150 people, these words blurted out from my mouth: “I felt like a worthless slave on my father’s farm.” Painfully the hardest thing I’ve ever done is to embrace this early childhood core belief and realize that it is a gift to allows me to empathize with everyone’s human struggles. I shifted that belief to one of deserving massive abundance, and the Universe is creating that reality for me.

Simultaneously I shifted my cancer beliefs and achieved cancer freedom in just 56 days.

Today I can offer your listeners one of two gifts (we’ll have to decide which!): the free pdf of Abolish Wage Slavery, or a look into how the listener thinks, via the Habit Finder profile. Before we decide which, you may find it exciting for you to take the Habit Finder assessment profile yourself. During our interview I’ll guide you in better understanding how you can develop ever-increasing abilities to take on ever-increasing responsibilities, with ever-increasing ease. Please allow at least 30 minutes for me to give you this gift.

Depending on the niche of your podcast, you can best guide us in which of the topics on my one-sheet best fit your listeners.

I’m looking forward to sharing time with you.



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Monday 9:00 am - 7:00 pm, Tuesday 9:00 am - 7:00 pm, Wednesday 9:00 am - 7:30 pm, Thursday 9:00 am - 8:27 pm, Friday 9:00 am - 8:28 pm, Saturday 9:30 am - 8:28 pm
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I’d love to be on your podcast; in fact, I’d love to be on multiple podcasts each week. I will do my best to make myself available to meet your schedule. E.g. I drove from LA to San Diego just to be live for a few minutes on ReInvention Radio. The Scroll Marked VIII in The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino says “I will multiple my value a hundred-fold. Together we will make this happen.

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