Dr Bill 9-20-14.JPG

Bill Bergman, M.D. is a physician and educator in the fast-growing field of integrative and stress management with a particular interest in helping people to end destructive habits.

Raised in New York City, Dr. Bergman attended Westbury High School, graduating in 1962 with the American Legion Citizenship Award and the Bank of Westbury Outstanding Student Award.

A Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude graduate of Amherst College in 1966, he went on to Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons as a member of the International Fellows Program at the Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs and a Edward John Noble Foundation Fellowship recipient in 1968.

Dr. Bergman completed his post-graduate training at Denver General Hospital in 1971, where he first began researching preventive healthcare and methods for reducing the risk of serious disease.

In 1972, Dr. Bergman affiliated with the New York City Department of Health, serving as staff physician at Rikers Island Adolescent Remand Shelter and as chief physician at the Bronx House of Detention where he had first-hand experience with the impact of personal behavior on health and disease.

After working as an Emergency Department physician in three hospitals in California and a period of research, study and private practice, he established one of the most innovative preventive and integrative family practice clinics in New York City, where he specialized in clinical nutrition, therapeutic lifestyle and stress management.

Dr. Bergman has taught two Post-Master’s Courses at the Brookdale Center on Aging of Hunter College and has taught the medical students at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons and SUNY Stony Brook.

In 1997 and 1998, Dr. Bergman conducted speaking tours for physicians on the topic of incorporating complementary medicine into a conventional medical practice and has given seminars in Natural Home Healthcare through the Learning Annex and the Open Center in New York City.

Dr. Bergman and his wife moved to Denver Colorado in 2002 where he did extensive community health education, consulting for wellness centers and serving as founder-director of the 501(c)3 non-profit Rocky Mountain Resource Network. The focus of his educational programs has been on therapeutic lifestyle programs and the power of group intention for health promotion and disease prevention.

He has been an integral part of developing cooperative partnerships with local businesses and civic associations around the concept of a healthy community.

Dr. Bill and his wife now live in Naples, Florida where has focused his latest work in the field of destructive habit and addiction recovery. He has an online consulting practice, a course in “Ending Destructive Habits” and has provided training for the non-profit drug and alcohol program at St. Matthew’s House.

Media Pitch

So many people experience an unwanted habit that is a barrier to their health, well-being and performance.

There is a predominant belief in our culture that one needs to overcome deep psychological factors or the effects of life challenges before destructive habits can be overcome. The latest brain science is confirming that this is not the case. The key is in understanding the role of unhealthy urges that drive habits and to see urges in a way that makes them go away on their own!

Here are two of Dr. Bill’s most popular topics:

Topic #1: “Breakthrough Brain Science Exposes a No-Willpower Approach to Ending Destructive Habits and Addictions”

“In this conversation, we’ll discuss the important topic of ending destructive habits and addictions. We’ll cover a proven and effective no-willpower approach that your listeners can use to break any unwanted habit. After our conversation, your audience will gain insight on the hidden source of destructive habits and addictions and learn how the latest easy-to-understand brain science provides the key to freedom from addictions.”

Topic #2: “How to Unleash High Performance in Your Career by Breaking the Chain of Unwanted Habits.”

“In this conversation, we’ll discuss the topic of improving performance at work by overcoming the barriers of destructive habits. We’ll cover unleashing high performance without having to delve into deep personal issues. After our conversation, your audience will understand the imbalance of brain function behind destructive habits and learn about an effective two-pronged strategy for re-wiring the brain, so destructive habits are ended for good.”

Talking Points or Standard Questions

1. What is your brief biographical background?

2. When and how did you come to specialize in a holistic and integrative approach to medical practice?

3. What caused you to focus on ending destructive habits and addictions?

4. What do you mean when you say a “Hidden Solution for a No-Willpower Approach” to ending unwanted habits?

5. Is it necessary to delve into deep personal issues in order to end destructive habits?

6. If it’s about the urge, what can you do other than struggle or resist with your willpower?

7. Can you amplify what you mean by “seeing the urge in a new way”?

8. How does the latest brain science clarify regarding the formation of destructive habits?

9. Isn’t the brain a static organ that cannot repair damaged nerve cells and nerve connections?

10. How can be most effectively re-wire the brain to end unwanted habits?

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I can be very flexible regarding scheduling.

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Dr Bill 9-20-14.JPG 6 years ago
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