
Angel holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology major in Zoology. She grew up seeing her entire family share so much love and passion for dogs and so she wanted to be a Veterinarian. Unfortunately, Angel needed to support her family hence she decided to forget about her dream.

Her career started as a freelance Executive Assistant of different startup companies – Digital Marketing, Web Development, Business Consultancy, Life coach etc. Such experience groomed her knowledge on marketing, sales, admin and customer service.

She worked hard to climb up the corporate ladder. She has helped establish 2 outsourcing companies in the Philippines and has started different small businesses herself – meal delivery, t-shirt printing, and flower shop.

She is currently working on co-authoring a book about outsourcing, especially written for SMEs. In there, Angel will share her knowledge on how to run your offshore team and how to choose the right offshore provider.

Currently, Angel is focused on growing her company and building leaders around her – empowering them to be the best version of themselves.

Media Pitch

I have 3 colorful experiences I would like to share to the world – (1) my very own challenging yet fulfilling journey of becoming a leader; (2) the hard work in climbing up the corporate ladder; and (3) the fascinating world of startups and small businesses.

I love to share “hard truths” to the world so they know exactly what to expect – with their company, their business or their career. One odd thing I strongly believe in is that, people who resign from work are not those with difficult bosses, they are those who can’t manage their boss. I . believe that the strongest type of leadership is the ability to lead yourself. You don’t rely the success of your career to your boss. You don’t rely it on having an empowering and motivating boss. Your dreams rely on your resilience.

Talking Points or Standard Questions

Currently, I am also running my own podcast channel that talks about the techniques in managing bosses in order for empowered employees or what I call as empowered followers to get to the top.

Preferred Talking Points:
– How to get promoted
– How manage a boss or work with a challenging boss
– The importance of understanding human behavior to get promoted
– How to get promoted fast
– How to lead people more experienced than you (for young leaders)
– How to run a small company (a majority of the team are Millenials and Gen Z)

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Mailing List, Social Networks
Social Media
Available to conduct interviews via:
Mobile Phone, Internet Voice, Google Hangouts, BeLive.TV, Skype, Facebook Live, Zoom
Available Equipment

Samson Q2U Dynamic Mic
Macbook Air
Logitech HD C922

Interview Availability
Monday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm, Tuesday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm, Wednesday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm, Thursday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm, Friday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Time Zone
a.png 5 years ago
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