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Joanne possesses 30 years’ experience in transition management and fifteen years as Director of Training with Retirement Options. As president of New Perspective Coaching, she works with baby boomers looking to plan their reinvention into retirement. She is a Professional Certified Coach.

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Kamini Wood, founder and CEO of Live Joy Your Way & the AuthenticMe® RiseUp program. An international best-selling she is driven to support teens and adults struggling with perfectionism to let go of stress and anxiety. Kamini is a certified life coach & board-certified by the AADP.

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Brian D. Ridgway is “The Spellbreaker”

Brian delivers something refreshingly original and unprecedentedly powerful: His LIVE “Spellbreaks.”

In interviews, as in his work, he helps people to transcend their most persistent, painful life-issues and dissolve them LIVE, in a matter of minutes.

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Midlife Transformation Specialist to guide women to stop sacrificing their relationship to their work & allow love and pleasure to fuel and expand their success.

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-Submarine captain with 27 years of leadership learning and experience.  Dave accelerates the leadership development of others through storytelling and practical adaptation of many critical processes used by some of the best performing crews at sea.

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After being stuck in shyness and social anxiety himself for almost 10 years, he became determined to find a way to freedom. Through thousands of hours of training, counseling, reading, group work, and coaching, he has truly mastered what it takes to break free into a life of confidence.

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From zero to three million in consulting sales in one year, I’m someone who has in the last 30 years made millions (and occasionally lost millions), co-founded a technology now used in an emotional intelligence app for Alzheimers’ patients, and taught over 25,000 people worldwide.  

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Sarah became a military widow and solo mom of four young children in 2014 when an aviation accident claimed her husband’s life. Her journey through grief opened her eyes to a renegade perspective that now informs her work with women breaking through limitation to live extraordinary lives. 

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Anesthetist, Author, Life Skills Expert Books, Mental Mechanics: A Repair Manual, Already Wise: Our Inborn Ability To Make The Best Choices Course Life Is All About Skills

We are using the life skills of a five-year-old to manage our lives. My system upgrades life skills quickly and easily

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As an author and life coach, Art hones the expectations of people who have perhaps lost their joy, feel anxious or depressed, or can’t seem to connect to their life’s purpose, providing the balm necessary to heal and find new hope. He has devoted himself to helping people from all walks of life.

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Author and Life Coach

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Blind WTC survivor, #1 NY Times Bestselling author and keynote speaker has a lifetime of experience motivating, teaching and inspiring people worldwide. Through countless interviews Hingson enthralls listeners with stories about success as a blind person, resilience and his escape on Sept. 11, 2001.

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Break Behavioral Patterns-Shift Relationships-Shift anxiety – ReShape your life with life coach Amber De Ann.

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Business professionals whose careers have hit the change crossroad turn to Tony Pisanelli to reinvent themselves and develop a strategy that secures and sustains their employment future.

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Clifford is a perfect guest. His cancer recovery appeals to >1 in 3 who contract cancer. His way to create a 6-figure income while working applies to 6 in 7 employees. 100% of listeners are slaves to the mega-corps that control our government. He speaks to all listeners regardless of your niche.

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Cynthia Clark, Palm Reading Consultant & Compatibility Expert, has assisted over 7,000 people in the last 10 years. She is passionate about the validity and usefulness of palmistry and metaphysical studies, using multiple tools to transform client’s blocks, bring clarity and move into joy.

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Dr. Allen Lycka suffered a near-death experience and sought renewal through the wisdom of human virtues that refocused him on a life of  richness, appreciation, joy and service.  He is now a full-time life-changing speaker, acclaimed author and transformational leader.

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